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Love letter to the Weekend Warriors + Free Workout

Woman heavy lifting training
"You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you later."

Once upon a time, people played sports. Before playing those sports, they would train once maybe three times a week. This would help them stay fit, keep sharp for these games and stay healthy. However, over the years, this has changed very very slowly.

Our mindsets have shifted.

Now we play sport on the weekend or once a weeknight, which is considered our way of “staying in shape.” We’ve gone from “Staying in shape to play sport” to “Playing sport to stay in shape”

We’ve gone from “Staying in shape to play sport” to “Playing sport to stay in shape.”

– Coach Daniel Williams

What does this mean?

It means that there’s been a big increase in injuries. More “aches and pains” and lower performance rates. It’s meant we’re actually in worse shape than we were previously and doing worse at our sports.

It’s time to shift back to where we used to be.

Let’s start training to stay in shape and then excelling in our sports instead of the other way around.

If anything, let it be food for thought.

– Coach Dan

Get 3 Free Workouts (PDF) designed by Coach Dan to get you in shape before playing sports.

Smash the download button below.

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The Perfect Workout: Precision Fitness Edition

At Precision Fitness, we’re always refining our approach to create the best possible experience for our members. While “perfect” might be a lofty term, we believe there’s an optimal workout structure that aligns with individual goals, especially in a supportive, non-intimidating environment like ours.​

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