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Coach Ryan Weighs In On Weight Tracking

Woman waking up and stepping onto body weight scale
"You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you later."


When I was learning all this nutrition stuff in my 20s I would weigh myself once a week. This was a HUGE mistake as scale weight can vary by 1-2 kilos A DAY due to water intake, stress, travel, sickness, blood sugar in the tissue, previous night’s food, salt levels, etc.

In other words, weigh yourself on the wrong day, risk completely skewing your perception of what’s happening.

No Bueno.

Varying weight graphical display

Image Credit:

Here’s the good news:

Fluctuations are perfectly normal and even expected during a fat/weight loss phase.

Fat loss will still happen if you’re eating in a calorie deficit.

Fat loss - Fluctuations graphical representation

On the other hand, weighing in daily can serve to “innoculate” you from this mental and emotional distressing effect.

Also, a body weight that goes up and down on a near daily basis suggests a body in flux (new calorie level) or responding to stress (lack of sleep, too much exercise, etc.).

And after the first 3-4 weeks, all those weigh-ins actually create very useful data to help spot trends.

I seen it meme

So do what we suggest our clients to do:

✅ Weigh yourself every day, or

✅ Weigh yourself once a month.

Otherwise, the data is just too weak.


Nail your calorie goal, track it somehow (hand portions, myfitnesspal, food journal), and then see how your body reacts.

Because really, that’s the only thing we control – the process.

We don’t control how the body decides to react or how long it takes to respond.

– Coach Ryan

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At Precision Fitness, we’re always refining our approach to create the best possible experience for our members. While “perfect” might be a lofty term, we believe there’s an optimal workout structure that aligns with individual goals, especially in a supportive, non-intimidating environment like ours.​

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