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3 Things You Didn’t Know About Glute Training

Yup, because it’s not like the world doesn’t need another glute training article 🤪

I have way too much to say about training glutes, probably because I enjoy training glutes so much, so if you don’t mind a bit of “stream of thought,” here’s what I do know:

🍑 First, anatomy.

Glutes are big powerful muscles that are designed to keep us upright by extending the hip. For you closet nerds 🤓 glute fibers are primarily fast-twitch, which means they can produce a stack load of force.

Glutes also recover quickly, which makes sense from an evolutionary/function perspective.

Woman Gluteus Maximus

✳️ Second, just because you “feel” an exercise in your glutes or they get sore doesn’t mean it’s actually training the glutes directly. In my opinion, most soreness comes from the hamstrings & adductors. On the other hand, if you don’t feel anything in your glutes, you’re cheating yourself by not progressively loading week to week.

Lunges with weights training at Precision Fitness

✳️ Finally, a limited menu of exercises is best — exercises that hit all angles, muscle lengths, and rep ranges.

  • Leg press machine with high foot placement – position the feet high-ish, not too wide, so your shin bone is parallel to the ground at the bottom of the movement.

  • Lunge variations – walking, in place, reverse, step up/down

  • Split squat variations – Try this glute-biased variation 👇🏻

  • Hip thrusts – machine, barbell, dumbbell (oh, and stop it with the bands around the knees, will ya!)

Remember, you can only do so much in a workout, so cycling exercises are best, and training them more frequently may be a good approach if your results are lagging.

Now, what you’re all asking for: “Give me a program, Ryan!”

For building some impressive-looking & functioning glutes, you might try this for 6-8 weeks with ascending loads (that is, increase the weight slightly every set, making your last set the failure set unless noted otherwise)

Day 1:

A. Machine Leg Press (glute dominant) – 10 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps**
B. Romanian DB Deadlift – 10 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps (DO NOT GOTO FAILURE HERE – Just get a good stretch in the hamstrings)
C. Split Squat – 10 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps (Reps = Per leg)
D. Adductor Machine – 10 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps**
Then, wheelchair yourself home.

(*Failure, as in you couldn’t do the 11th rep.)

Day 4:

A. Hip Thrust Machine – 10 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps**
B. Seated Hamstring Curl Machine – 10 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps**
C. Loaded sled pushes – 8 full lengths of your gym – a great glute exercise you can do daily as a finisher. (There’s no eccentric loading, hence less need for recovery).

(*Failure, as in you couldn’t do the 11th rep.)

My fave glutes routine?

A. Seated Hamstring Curls x 10,8, FAILURE

B. Machine Leg Press (glute dominant) x 10,8, FAILURE

c. Adductor Machine x 10,10, FAILURE

D. Bodyweight Walking Lunges – 60 Reps/leg (Rest maximum 3 seconds between attempts)

With 3-minute rest periods between sets. Yes, 3 minutes for best results.

Wrapping up

You can easily add additional glute work to your workouts, and a little every day goes a long way. Start slow, get a coach to nail your execution on form, and feel free to hit us up with any questions.


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