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Studio Etiquette

We take pride in treating our members like VIPs. To help everyone get the best possible and most consistent experience, please read our studio etiquette and policies below.


Please arrive 5 minutes before each session and 10 minutes early for your first session to get acquainted with PF. If you are running late, please call the studio or your coach to let us know. If you are running late and we have not heard from you by the start of a session, any waitlisted members or drop-ins who are physically present may take your place.


Throwing or slamming equipment relegates you to caveman status, plus it’s expensive. Don’t be that person.


Give your body the positive input it loves and let your feet breathe from the hard surfaces of the city. Socks are also cool.


Please help us clean and return all items back to place after your class.


No seriously, it may sound funny, but the studio is small and often busy, and members do work up a serious sweat. If you put that many sweaty people in one room, the smell can get pretty interesting – ya dig? If you know personal odor is an issue for you, be prepared with deodorant (or use ours in the bathroom) or a change of clothes – or some incense to burn. No judging here. Odor happens. Just do your best to respect the noses of others around you. If you are sick, don’t schedule a workout; your fellow PF members will thank you as will we.


We invite you to fill up your own water bottle at our complimentary 4-stage reverse osmosis water filling station. Want to level up your hydration game even more? Try Supernatural+ rapid electrolytes available for purchase in studio. If you forget your water bottle and need water, you may purchase a bottle of water from our staff.


The end of a session is a sacred time for members at PF, and we protect that shit! So before you switch back into the real work, stay till the end so we can get your system relaxed and down-regulated. If you’re coming into a session, keep your voice down while members find their happy places – and give them a moment to clean up before you snuggle them.

COVID Safetly Plan

UPDATE: As of Friday, February 4th, 2022, PF’s Covid-19 safety measures outlined below with requirements from the Hong Kong government are in effect.

The Hong Kong Government requires you to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter Precision Fitness.

  • Those 12 years of age and older must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

    • “Proof of vaccination” means proof of receipt of at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine authorized for emergency use by the World Health Organization.

    1. Such proof may be established by:

      • A CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card or an official immunization record from the jurisdiction, state, or country where the vaccine was administered or a digital or physical photo of such a card or record, reflecting the person’s name, vaccine brand, and date administered; or

      • Presenting a LeaveHomeSafe Vaccination Record (available to download on Apple and Android smartphone devices).

    2. Upload your proof of vaccination by following the instructions below.

      • STEP 1: Log into your PTMinder account from your desktop browser and navigate to the “Vaccine Verification” option under your Profile in our Precision Fitness Member App.

      • STEP 2: Navigate to the “Vaccine Verification” section. 

      • STEP 3: Click the “⬆️” button. Find and select your Proof of Vaccination file! 

        • (Please Note: Allowed file extensions are: pdf, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, png, doc, docx, bmp, txt, rtf, xlsx, xls, gif, zip, ppt, pptx, mov)

      • STEP 4: Click the “UPLOAD” button. Your Proof of Vaccination file will now appear listed in your profile. Das it!



Please review our safety measures to safeguard your health and the health of others in our community.

Mandatory Temperature Checks: We ask that all members (and staff) and guests have their temperature checked before checking in. If your temperature exceeds 37.5c, we will invite you to visit a doctor instead of entering the studio.

Special Arrangements for Small-Group Personal Training sessions: Luckily, we’ve always valued a small group experience over large groups. With that, we don’t expect much to change however, given the latest regulation concerning the maximum number of persons in public gatherings, we will limit the number of members in the studio to 7 persons (excluding coaches).

Special Arrangements for Visiting Guests: We will ask you to sign a health declaration form and wear a mask during your visit to the studio.

It is NOT a requirement that anyone who visits the studio wear a face mask. If you are vaccinated or not vaccinated, you are NOT required to wear a mask during training sessions.

Our cleaner’s hours have been extended, so surfaces are cleaned and sanitized even more frequently.

Requirements for Team PF. All PF staff and clinicians must be vaccinated.


Hand sanitizers are available in the studio for your use.

To ensure our studio remain safe please do not put anyone at risk by coming to the studio if you have:

  • Returned to Hong Kong in the last 14 days, or you have been in contact with someone who has returned to Hong Kong in the last 14 days

  • Experienced flu-like symptoms like coughing, sneezing, fever, diarrhea, or shortness of breath in the last 14 days, or if in the last 14 days you have been in contact with anyone who has these symptoms.

  • Been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case within the last 14 days, or you have been in contact with someone else who has been in contact with a confirmed case in the last 14 days.

We’re modifying the structure of our sessions to promote health and safety.

  • Upon third reopening, training sessions will occupy only 50 minutes of time (inclusive of warm-up and cool down) to allow time for the mandatory health check at the top of the session and the mandatory cleaning and disinfecting at the end.

    1. We’ve changed our group training model to an individualized, program-driven, group experience to eliminate close contact with others.

    2. PF trainers will reduce the amount of tactile cueing during training sessions and approach members for spotting-based activities only when necessary for safety.

    3. Group high-touch activities – which require more than 2 people per activity – that promote the spread of germs will be eliminated for now. But they’ll be back one day 🙂

    4. The PF studio has always been a safe place to hang out and pass the time. For now, it’s important to keep everybody’s time inside the studio to an absolute minimum.

    5. Members will be permitted to enter the studio at the time their session is listed in the booking app and upon successfully completing the health check-in. Please do not arrive early.

    6. After you have completed your session, please exit the studio immediately after you have had time to help clean your equipment and collect your belongings.

We’ve got a battle plan in place should a Covid-19 breakthrough happen at PF.

If we learn someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 14 days has entered the studio we will:

  • Disclose the date of the visit on our website and within our community.

    1. Notify via Whatsapp or phone call anyone who was in the space that day.

    2. Disinfect the entire affected space with government-approved cleaner and, if necessary, temporarily halt operations to address any other issues.

We’ve invested in improvements for the studio.

  1. We’ve installed standalone HEPA + UVC Plasma Air Purification technology in the exercising areas, which meets the HK FEHD requirements and specifications. [Updated August 2022]

  2. We’ve retrofitted our AC units with Gelair™ Health-e SPLIT packs to sterilize and sanitize the entire air conditioning system and effectively stop the spread of invisible mold, bacteria, and viruses.

  3. We’ve enlisted the help of an external company to deep sanitize with BioKill® Safe Sanitizer. Surfaces include but are not limited to all benches and astroturf, handheld equipment, bathrooms, treatment room, and entrance areas. This service will be carried out regularly.

Finally, thank you all so much for your care, support, honesty, and co-operation. If you have any questions about our preventative safety measures please don’t hesitate to contact us.

❤️ The PF Team

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